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What does the word tattoo mean? Where did it originate from? When did it all began? Well let me tell you a little

The words tattoo has two major derivations.

  1. The Polynesian word “Ta” meaning to strike/tap something
  2. The Tahitian word “Tatau”or “Tatou” meaning to mark something

Tattooing began over 5000 years ago. During the bronze age tattoos were thought to have healing and therapeutic properties (gathered from the discovery of Otzi the ice man). Tattoos are and have been very global for centuries. Each continent and country’s tattoo history has their own beliefs about the significances and properties of tattoos. Ranging from all over Asia, Russia, Africa and the Pacific Islands. The Pacific Islands has had a very major part in tattooing and it has a major significance in their culture.

Names for tattoo in Pacific Islands:

Samoa: “Tautau”

Hawaii:  “Kaukau”

Maori:  “Moko”

So there you are, where the word tattoo comes from, when it began and some of the origins. A little bit more on Pacific Island Art and some example of modern and traditional designs :

Polynesian is considered the most intricate and skilful tattooing of the ancient world. They believe that tattoo’s displayed their Mana (Spiritual power). The tattoos are often added to throughout a person’s life until the body is covered.

Samoan tradition is applying the tattoo by hand and by people of a rank such as chief, and their assistants of notable families. Tattooing ceremonies are usually elaborate and done onset of puberty, especially for young chiefs as it is an ascendance into leadership. The tattoo shows your endurance and dedication to their culture, belief and tradition.

In Hawaii traditional tattoos are not just to show individuality and to display, but to protect and guard there health and spiritual well-being. Men’s tattoos are usually along the arms, torso, legs and face. Women’s are usually on the hands, fingers, wrists and sometimes tongue. But western missionaries forced this tradition to decline because it was forbidden by the Christian church.

Maori tattoos “Moko” are one of the most impressive. Their tattoos are a mark of distinction(especially full face ones). They tell the story of a person’s life, ancestry, status, tribal affiliations and great events in their life.


From the film Once Were Warriors

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